Why Total Equine®?


  • Total Equine® Contains No Added Sugar or Molasses
  • Total Equine® is Steam Extruded, Making it 90-95% Digestible

This process insures maximum digestibility compared to raw, unprocessed or steam pelleted starch. The extruded starch is digested in the small intestine, whereas most of raw or pelleted starch is digested in the ceacum and/or large intestine by fermentation. This reduces the possibility of compaction or gas colic, which can be caused by feeding raw or poorly processed starch. Improving the digestibility not only improves starch digestion, but also improved digestion of the fiber and improves bioavailability of minerals and micronutrients.


  • Added Vitamins and Minerals Are in Proper Ratios and Amounts

Major Minerals – minerals are the main building blocks for bones as well as being important for all chemical reactions in the body. Total Equine® contains the major minerals calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium in the correct levels and ratios for maximum growth, activity and health.

Trace minerals are the catalysts for most chemical reactions in the body and some are important for antioxidant activities. Total Equine® contains levels and ratios of all trace minerals with known requirements and is added at levels above those levels. This insures the horse will not be deficient in any trace mineral even under severe stress or hard work.

Vitamins – All chemical reactions in the body that produce growth, reproduction, work and even maintenance require a catalyst or several catalysts. This is the main function of B-Vitamins. Total Equine® contains all of the B-Vitamins for which requirements have been established, and they are all formulated at levels to insure higher than minimum requirement levels.

B-Vitamins also function as antioxidants to reduce the rate of cell destruction by pollutants in the environment as well as metabolic byproducts from the ration.

Total Equine® is formulated with a specific combination of Methionine, Lysine, Biotin, Copper, Zinc and Iodine to provide maximum hair and hoof growth along with horse health.

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  • Minerals Are Attached in A Chelated Form

Bioavailability of trace minerals is very important in how well an animal can digest and use the minerals in question. Total Equine® is formulated to contain 50% of the Copper, Manganese and Zinc in the form of chelates. This insures maximum digestibility and availability to the horse.

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  • Ascophyllum Nodosum Is a Unique Additive in Total Equine®

Ascophyllum Nodosum is a North Atlantic, cold water species of seaweed (kelp) which has been extensively studied at the University of Virginia, Texas Tech, University of Missouri, University of Alabama, North Dakota State University and the University of Alberta, Lethbridge. Also known as Tasco®, A. nodosum contains high levels of Fucoidan and Fucose sugar. Focoidan is a sulfated, short-chain polysaccharide that is known to stop the growth of E. coli in the large intestine. It also controls other pathogenic bacteria that inhabit the large intestine.

Fucoidan is composed of Fucose sugar that makes the polysaccharide chain. Fucose is a part of normal nerve transmission in the body. This sugar, along with specific levels of Choline, Magnesium and other minerals keep the nervous system from overreacting to stressful situations. Much information can be found that pertains to the effects of Fucoidan and Fucose.

This combination of Tasco®, along with the general digestibility of Total Equine®, gives our horses a calmer demeanor. Trainers report that their horses are “just easier to work with.”

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  • Increased Fiber Digestibility

Alfalfa hay is the main source of fiber in Total Equine®. It is formulated to provide the minimum fiber required by a horse in order to maintain normal gut motility and health. It also contains a small amount of low digestibility roughage to slow fermentation and prevent gas colic. Due to the combination of nutrients and the extrusion process, the added low quality roughage and the other roughage fed is more digestible. Many customers have reported 25-30% reductions in hay consumption when feeding Total Equine®.


  • Proper Protein Percentage

The protein in Total Equine® is derived from alfalfa, grain and natural oil meal. It also contains the added amino acids methionine and lysine, which insure an adequate balance of the essential amino acids required by the horse.


  • Energy Availability

Extruded grain is the major source of energy in Total Equine®. The starch availability of the grain is over 90%, which insures the highest possible digestibility. This, along with the highly digestible fiber in the alfalfa hay, makes the entire ration highly digestible. This reduces the amount of waste produced by the horse.


  • Total Equine® is Cost Effective

Total Equine® is fed at the rate of four pounds per day per 1,000 pounds of horse. Other grain products recommend 6.5 pounds per day for maintenance and up to 10-12 pounds per day for a working horse. To accommodate the recommended feeding rate, Total Equine® is packaged in 40 pound bags; therefore, the average horse will need one bag every ten days. At the September, 2017 cost of $20.50 per bag, the cost per horse if $2.05 per day, compared to $2.50 and often above in other supplemental feeds. In horses who consume less hay when Total Equine® is used, the total feed savings can reach or exceed $1.00 per day.


  • There is Less Waste, Therefore Less Flies

Due to the high digestibility and improved fiber digestion with Total Equine®, the amount of waste produced by the horse is reduced. Also, there are less nutrients in the waste products; therefore, flies are less attracted to and fed on the waste. VB Farms has found an incredible reducing in the fly population in the barn, with all control measures from previous years being equal. It’s not that we don’t have any flies – it’s that the number is so small it’s not a problem.

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